Зајакнување на соларниот сектор преку обуки, настап на саеми и активности за лобирање -Проектот на УСАИД за развој на деловниот екосистем
The main goal of this project is to strengthen the micro, small and medium enterprises that work with solar energy and equipment through providing trainings for solar thermal, photovoltaic and photo/thermal solar systems (installing, dimensioning and commissioning), organizing workshop with international solar experts, exhibiting at fair and engage lobbying activities that will provide better conditions in the solar sector of North Macedonia.
North Macedonia has over 135 companies that work with installing or trading solar equipment. Moreover, 4 companies work with production of solar thermal collectors with European standards (Solarkey Mark certificate) and 2 companies work with producing photovoltaic or photo-thermal solar collectors, also with EU standards.
In order to increase the value of the organized trainings, Solar Macedonia will certify the training center. This will open additional possibilities for future funding in Ministry of Economy or other donors where they support only certified training centers.
In addition to that, the purchase of the software Trnsys in the previous grant will only add value to the training for solar installers. (http://trnsys.com/). Participants in the training will have a chance to dimension thermal, photo/thermal and photovoltaic systems on real time software.
Macedonian companies who produce products with EU standards will have a chance to present their products in the biggest fair for solar technology, InterSolar Munich. This will create a number of possibilities for their solar products. Moreover, the previously gained contacts from the organized B2B meetings with companies and solar associations will additionally boost the chances of finding new buyers.
In order to represent our members in front of the government bodies, Solar Macedonia will continue with the lobbying activities in this grant. Company’s members concluded that only together and through the organization they can really affect the climate in the solar sector.