“In order to achieve ambitious targets for renewable energy, There is a strong need to accelerate the market penetration of renewable energy systems (headquartered) in the industrial and domestic sector. The domestic sector is of great importance, since it would reduce dependence on large centralized power plants There are several local options, including solar, solar, electrical, heat pump and biomass systems, of which solar and heat pumps have the broadest potential application, because they do not require physical resources. technologies still make up only a small fraction of the total energy supply in domakjinstvata.Edna of the main reasons for this is the necessary initial investment, together with uncertainty over the return of investicijata.Ova is complemented by a huge range of available products and a lack of objective information concerning system performance. As a result,, Consumers are often confused and not able to make decisions and companies often face difficulties when advising clients on various options and their respective benefits. Hence, despite significant technological advances in terms of system performance and efficiency, there is a significant barrier to the knowledge and confidence that limits increased market uptake. In order to solve this problem, We propose developing a system that can automatically provide accurate and objective information about the suitability of the technology for renewable energy for a given user scenario. The system will be intuitive and easy to use using a unique technology for evaluating the dynamics. This will enable consumers to make better informed decisions and enable our members to provide better service. This will help to significantly increase the market penetration and revenues for our pan-European membership included in the design, manufacture and installation of domestic renewable energy technologies “.

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