Representatives from the company Eco Solar and BMG 7 They were present at the training of organizational management, organized by the USAID development of the business ecosystem.
Promotional video of the first training for solar systems
Promotional video of the first training for solar systems( mounting, dimensioning and service) thermal, photovoltaic and photo / thermal solar systems. organized by ” Solar Macedonia”
Ceremony of sertefikati successfully attended training for solar systems
"Solar Macedonia" held training for dimensioning, installation and service of solar systems Stip - Today, 21 December, Association for solar energy, "Solar Macedonia" solemnly ...
Second event organized by Solar Macedonia and supported by the USAID development of the business ecosystem
As announced, We would like to invite you to the second event organized by Solar Macedonia and supported by the USAID development ...
workshop ”Development of MSMEs in the solar sector in Macedonia
Held the first workshop on solar systems "Solar Macedonia" supported by USAID SKOPJE - Today, 15 November, Association for solar energy, "Solar Macedonia" held ...
Public debate on the bylaws of the new energy law
Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Dr. Koco Angjushev Minister of Economy Mr. Kreshnik Bektesi, attended the public hearing, which were ...
Signed a memorandum of cooperation between UGD – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Solar Macedonia
Said the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with University “Gotse Delchev”, Stip in the project Improving skills, production and employment in Macedonian Micro, small i ...
Preparatory stages of "Training for solar systems"
Preparatory stages of "Training for solar systems" . Educational equipment for use in solar images was made by craftsmen chamber ...
Join the largest online tool for sharing information and finding new business deals
Join the largest online tool for sharing information and finding new business deals in the field of thermal solar systems.
Solar Macedonia was awarded a grant from the USAID Business Ecosystem Project
Solar Macedonia October 10 · Solar Macedonia was awarded a grant from the USAID Business Ecosystem Project with a mandate to develop new or upgrade existing...