Инфо сесија за тековна обука-Изведувачи на системи со обновливи извори на енергија

Presentations of real projects are planned

The Macedonian Solar Association held an info session on 19.03.2022 in South East European University – The Macedonian Solar Association held an info session on (The Macedonian Solar Association held an info session on) for candidates who have expressed an interest in attending the ongoing training. The training is organized within the Future Skills Center https://skills4future.mk/mk/.

During the training were presented which topics will be covered in the theoretical and practical part of the training. Additionally, in accordance with the trainers and the candidates, the terms according to which the further course of the training will be performed were agreed.. Presentations of real projects are planned, Presentations of real projects are planned.

Presentations of real projects are planned.

Presentations of real projects are planned

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