Program of work

the association of citizens "Solar Macedonia"

Civic association which founded and affiliated to it on a voluntary basis, a nongovernmental, non-partisan and non-profit association, in which its founders and future members realize their personal and common goals and interests, and the same wider social zeadnica.

The program activities of the association will be directed especially towards:

1. Encouraging, aiding and developing scientific istrachuvachkata activity in the field of the use of solar energy as an energy resource.

2. Participation in domestic and international projects to identify the quality of the available potential for production and performance of solar systems, and their involvement in the energy potential.

3. Organizing seminars, congresses and workshops with domestic and foreign experts, where experiences from the field of interest will be presented and exchanged.

4. Regional networking and cooperation with related domestic and foreign organizations.

5. Publication of a special media magazine in which domestic and foreign papers will be published, new developments in methods of resource utilization, dissemination of results, positive and negative experiences, technical and technological advances, etc..

6. Preparation of studies and analyzes: harnessing the potential of solar energy, its potential participation in the energy balance of the country, part in the energy strategy of the country.

7. Establish regular support and influence on state institutions in order: establishing a legal, educational and financial mechanisms to support the development and wider application of solar energy; compliance with regulations and standards of the European share of renewable energy sources in the total energy balance of the country, equipment and materials used to perform solar systems, criteria for minimum quality solar systems; promotion, awareness raising and education on solar energy in the education system (thoroughly, secondary and higher education); support in the organization of public campaigns for the promotion and raising of public awareness of the application of solar energy, etc..

8. Support the education sector through contacts and cooperation (to)educating specialists and technicians, organizing training courses for manufacturers, organizing regular supply of new professional literature.

9. Development in the field and exploring future developments in the exploitation of solar energy;

10. Studying and following the experiences of other countries in the use of solar energy;

11. Other activities related to solar energy.

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